Blason Ferme de la Tour

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Blason Ferme de la Tour

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Access the Ferme de la Tour

La Tour
01130 Les Neyrolles, France
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 46.11
Longitude: 5.63
To reach La Tour
From the west
(Lyon is about 1h30 away)
Take exit 8 from the A40 at Saint-Martin-du-Frêne, then head towards Brénod. Do not take the D57 west of Brénod; instead, follow the D57 north from Brénod to reach La Tour.
From the east
(Geneva is about 1h30 away)
Take exit 8 from the A40 at Saint-Martin-du-Frêne (do not take the Neyrolles motorway exit as the D39 access road has been permanently closed from Les Neyrolles), head towards Brénod, then take the D57 north to reach La Tour.
The Four Seasons, Spring: Danza Pastorale Allegro - Antonio Vivaldi